Fax Voip T38 Fax & Voice - Fax and Answering Machine for your SIP/H.323/ISDN CAPI 2.0 line. Multiple SIP Registrations. Call Routing. Voice Fax Modem for your Fax & Voice software. Color faxes over VOIP and ISDN. Incoming Routing Methods. Fax-On-Demand.
What is Voip? For your fax or voice application, it's a Voice Fax Modem. You can setup your Fax & Voice program to operate with Fax Voip Virtual COM ports or virtual "FaxVoip Modems 14400 bps Voice-Fax" modems. From the perspective of your VOIP internet network, it?s a SIP/H.323 client with T.38 and G.711 Fax support.From the perspective of your ISDN line, it?s CAPI 2.0 client with audio fax support. You can send/receive T.38 and audio (color/black-and-white) faxes and voice messages without any hardware, using your favourite Fax & Voice program. Fax Voip is the ideal solution for the implementation of Fax and Voice Mailbox into SIP/H.323/ISDN network. You can use Fax Voip with your VOIP or ISDN-based PBX or with your SIP/H.323/ISDN Provider. Up to 100 virtual modems can be used simultaneously.
Multiple SIP Registrations and Call Routing functions make your system the most flexible as well as allow you to work with different SIP and H.323 providers simultaneously.
Caller ID and Dial a Phone Number Extension features are supported.
You can send T.38, audio and CAPI faxes via Fax Voip Virtual Printer and receive faxes directly in TIFF, PDF or SFF files. You can manage faxes with Fax Voip Console.
Fax Voip allow to send faxes via e-mail (Mail to Fax) and receive faxes to e-mail (Fax to Mail).
Incoming Routing Methods (Route through e-mail, Store in a folder, Print) allow you to route incoming faxes to recipients on the network.
Fax on Demand function allow callers to retrieve information via fax on the same call.
Fax Voip T38 Fax & Voice has been successfully tested with Microsoft Fax, Venta Fax & Voice (include color faxes), BVRP Classic Phone Tools 9, FaxTalk Messenger Pro and many other well-known programs.
Related Searches: sip, h323, h.323, isdn, capi, capi 2.0, bri, pri, gatekeeper, voip, internet, fax, t38, betamax, sipnet, foip, gafachi, soft, provider, tiff, pdf, g711, modem, com-port, voice, mailbox, dtmf, answering machine, call routing, caller id, multiple sip registrations
Recent Changes: 12.07.2014
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft Net.Framework 2.0 SP1