Free powerful but easy to use multiplatform html preprocessor. Includes external files. Imports ../7781/SQL__and_delimited_text_files.css). Useful for automated web site development and ensuring a common look and feel. Supports extremely powerful macros and conditional compilation. Has #define, #include, #import, #if, #AsIs, #AutoTag and many other commands. Useful for Text to HTML processing. Many options. Has CGI mode. Example of if test is "#if left(GetEnv("ENVVAR"), 4) = 'ASDF'". Supports all Windows versions, OS/2, unix and DOS and can actually preprocess any text file types (rexx, ASP etc).
Related Searches: hrml preprocessor, preprocessor, include, external, file
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established