Performs spell check and profanity check for different types of text strings that exist inside your source code: a) "user visible" strings (messages, captions, menus etc.) that your source code exposes, b) code comments and c) variables, classes, function names etc. Displays suggestion list for all spelling errors. Implements "point and click" spelling correction. Supports spellcheck customizations and results filters. Supports custom dictionary. Creates error report. Applies spelling correction to the source files.
Recent Changes: Support for VB/VBScript, Java/Java Script, HTML and C#. Error checking for identifiers and inside comments. Drag-n-drop support. Option to display only the instances of one specific error. Dynamic monitoring of changes in folders under spell-check. Advanced dictionary operations.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements:
Latest Releases in Development - Other
Resource Tuner 2.01(2014-10-03) update
A resource editor to make changes to icons and strings in EXE and DLL files.
Altova UModel 2015sp1(2014-10-02) update
Altova UModel is the cost-effective UML tool for successful software design.