Smart WorkTime Tracker is what you need to be able to track every detail about the time you spend on tasks performed on the computer.
Smart WorkTime Tracker is intended for those people whose main activities are directly related to working with the computer (designers, writers, software developers, etc.). SWTT will allow you to obtain the exact time spent on doing this or that part of your work. This is useful for both self-control and the appropriate evaluation of how much your work costs.
The important thing is that you do not have to tell the program all the time what you are doing at the moment: the program will understand it automatically by monitoring the applications you start and the documents you open in them. If you go out for a smoke with friends during your workday, you will not have to take time to inform the program about the break. Smart WorkTime Tracker will exclude the break from your work time automatically.
Related Searches: Project, work, time, tracking, scheduling, outsourcing, billing, accounting, productivity, personal, finance, to-do, todo, report
Recent Changes: +Now it is possible to count the time left until the workday is over.
+Rarely used applications are now grouped and counted as "rarely used software".
+Now it's possible to reopen finished todo task.
+"Suspend todo task" command has been added to todo list.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: nothing special