HandyFile Find & Replace by silveragesoftware.com can quickly search and replace text in a bunch of files!
* Diverse file filters;
* Multiple search folders;
* Support for environment variables in folder names;
* Back-up and target folder adjustments;
* Various search attributes;
* Regular expressions with extended syntax;
* Mutiline searches and replacements;
* Automation: Search and replace scenarios;
* Automation: Command line support.
These features give you full control over processing text in all the desired files. Creating HTML reports for the search and replace process makes it highly valuable tool for web masters and web coders.
Major advantages:
* Works really fast.
* Comprehensive clear user interface.
* Intelligible diagnostic messages.
* Keeps your files safe as the process of replacement is undertaken in memory, not in files.
* Ability to modify read-only files and restore its attributes after processing.
Related Searches: html, text, handy, tool, web, design, www, site, software, free, download, find, replace, files, process, listing, list, file, multi, coder, master, filter, diverse, search, atttributes, regular, expression, fragment, size, date, scenario, backup
Recent Changes: * Windows 7 SP2 compatibility update
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium - 100/8 mb ram