Free FLV to MOV Converter is currently the best FLV to MOV converter, which can perfectly convert FLV to MOV , convert FlV to QuickTime and other format videos including MPEG, MOV, H.264 , MP3 , AAC.With this freeware,you can convert FLV to QuickTime MOV from your harddisk and share your favorite videos on iPod Touch, iPod Nano, PSP, iPhone , BlackBerry, Zune, WalkMan, Sony,LG Phone,Motorala Phone and other portable video devices.Beside converting FLV to MOV, FLV to MOV converter also support converting FLV to avi/mpeg/wmv, this converter is not only a FLV decoder, it is also a FLV encoder that you can aslo convert MOV to FLV, with this super FLV converter, it can save you a lot, free download is supported.Free FLV to MOV Converter will enable you to easily turn your preferred flash FLV clips to MOV files!
Related Searches: FLV to mov, FLV to mov converter, convert from FLV to mov, FLV to mov avi converter, freeware FLV to mov, free convert FLV to mov
Recent Changes: Support more than 220 types video convert,improve converting performance
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7;1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above