Smart Email Verifier will check every email address from a given mailing list and determine if e-mails are still valid. It does 3 levels of checking; first it will check the e-mail syntax, next it will verify the existence of the SMTP mail server and finally e-mail box on the SMTP server.
Smart Email Verifier can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients or any person that needs to maintain a clean e-mail address list.
Supports all popular file formats; Excel, Text (.CSV), Word, and ODBC support, allowing to work with DBMS like MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access and others.
Smart Email Verifier works with Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP
Related Searches: verify email, email, email syntax, SMTP check, validate email
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Internet connection, 166MHz Processor, 256 RAM