Document Exporter brings PDF, XPS, DOCX, ODT, RTF and MHT and other widely used formats to Outlook 2007 enabling you to save or simply attach your mails, appointments or task to one of this support document format. You can batch convert multiple items to multiple documents in a single-click. Additionally, you can merge and save multiple related items to a single merged document. Whatever the technique you use, Document Exporter preserves all the inline/embedded images, hyperlinks in the generated documents.
The new release version 4 added support for adding or appending selected Outlook items, single or multiple, to an existing PDF file. Another feature is the support for exporting attachments to a subfolder when saving a mail, appointment or task item to a document format. You can also optionally exclude inline image and hidden attachments from exporting.
Version 4 also supports real-time monitoring of Outlook folders and Exchange mailboxes such that it automatically processes incoming mails or newly added appointment and task items and generate PDF/XPS and other widely used document format, without any intervention from the user. This automation is particular useful for maintaining a parallel copy or backup of your current Outlook items, or for simply sharing with your team. Optionally, you can also choose to maintain a single PDF file, on which, every new Outlook item received or added will be appended over this single PDF file.
Extensive documentation and video tutorials are available on the website for more references.
Related Searches: PDF, XPS, DOC, ODT, Outlook, Converter, Merge emails, MHT, Append PDF
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Microsoft Outlook 2007