Make your site more popular and attractive: decorate it with your favorite photos by means of Flash Fusion Gallery! This beautiful flash photo gallery goes very well with viewing of photos for any site. The feature of this gallery is an original fulfilment of image categories which have their own caption image. You can add to each picture function of a hyperlink. Installation package contains Dreamweaver extension. Dreamweaver extension allows you to create easily high-impact XML-powered flash photo galleries, all in Dreamweaver MX 2004, 8, CS3, or CS4. Using friendly user interface provides with adjustment absolutely of all colors, fonts, sizes, spacings and everything other as you wish. More than 50 parameters you can set according your tastes. Information about gallery contains in the XML file. It provides advanced developers with dynamic gallery receiving data from database or any other sources. There are server scripts for an automatic image scaling at the server in the installation package which improves the quality of automatic thumbnails creating and increase the download speed. This scripts are written for the servers which supports ASP.NET and PHP.
Related Searches: flash fusion gallery, flash gallery, gallery for web, dreamweaver extensions, flash gallery for dreamweaver, image gallery, flash photo gallery
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Dreamweaver CS5, CS4, CS3, 8, MX 2004