QUIZ is a study tool. You can train a topic by collecting questions in a file and then answer them repetitively. With Quiz, you can build and administer objective tests using either multiple choice or fill-the-blanks questions. More then one correct answer is allowed. It is possible to build timed tests and even add sounds or graphics to quiz items. Sample tests on Bible knowledge, Greek, or Hebrew are included. Quiz files may be printed. You may set a general time limit (optional), allow to skip questions, etc. If your learning a language, use QUIZ to train the foreign words: The program allows you to repeat only the words you did not know before. You can switch the interface between English and German. More languages are supported. Much more.
Related Searches: Quiz, questions, question, questioning, test, vocab, vocabulary, language, learn, pupil, student, teacher, knowledge, bible, grading, multilingual
Recent Changes: * Minor Bugs in connection with Windows XP fixed.
* Windows 2000/XP: All users can operate QUIZ now.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: German, English, French, Galician, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Catalan, Latvian, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Czech, Hungarian
Additional Requirements: Not Established