Organise your property information in one place and get rid of those spreadsheets with one simple solution.
Landlord Manager helps landlords organise their rental income and expenditure saving hours at tax time as well as keeping on top of the day to day management of their portfolio.. You will always know how your portfolio is performing!
An extremely user friendly interface
Property Centre - enter professional or multi-let properties (ideal for student lets)
Rent Centre - track tenants and their outstanding rent
Record all income and expenditure by property
Accounting categories for US Schedule E, UK SA105 and SA801 and general business categories
Define your own tax year
View income and expenditure by property, month and year
Enter agent statements
Help complete your self assessment return with the Tax Centre
Alert Centre - log your date critical events such as gas checks Attach contacts to properties and tenants logging details such as insurance etc
Contact manager - log your property contacts
Includes a number of documents including tenancy agreement and section 21 Attach documents to properties, tenants and diary events
Brochure Printout
Sync your contacts, tenants and alerts with Outlook and PDA'sSend SMS messages to your tenants remindingPlus much more
Related Searches: Landlord Software, SA105, SA801, Schedule E, Property Software, Rent Software, Tenancy Software, Property Management, Property Tax, Tax Software
Recent Changes: Updated for 2009 financial year.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: PIII 512mb Ram 30mb HD