PlainTextClipboard takes any formatted text on the clipboard and replaces it with unformatted text. It can be used when you want to paste text and have it use the font size and style where you are pasting instead of that of the original text. It is a very simple program that has no UI. It is intended to be associated with a hot key (CTRL+ALT+T by default) so that it can be run very easily whenever you want to convert text on the clipboard. PlainTextClipboard performs a similar function to the option to paste text as "Unformatted Text" that is available from the "Paste Special" menu command in Microsoft Office applications. It has the advantage that it is quicker to use than such menu commands in applications, and also provides this function for applications that do not provide it built in. It is harmless to run PlainTextClipboard if the clipboard doesn't contain formatted text - it will leave images or any other type of data unchanged.