XLplus is a tools collection for Microsoft EXCEL 2000 (or higher) which helps to do your daily work faster and more efficient. XLplus is available for free and various languages. Wizards will guide you through the process of performing a special task, i.e. you can Add Zeros (or other characters) to the content of given cells, Copy ALL print settings from one sheet to another, Convert cell references used within functions and more. New Short-Cuts support faster navigation within spreadsheets and more. The functionality of XLplus can be extended by XLplus Add-Ons, targeted. Note: XLplus Ver.: 3.X is available at [url removed] for Microsoft EXCEL 2007 (or higher), too.
Related Searches: MS Excel, Add-In, Add-On, Tools, Copy, Paste, Automate, Color, Protection, Sub Total, Comment, Shape, Print Setting, Page Break, Sort
Recent Changes: Help File Extended
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German
Additional Requirements: MS Excel 2000 or higher