With the Harmonix Photoshop plug-in you can create complex waveforms. The waveforms generated by Harmonix are created by mixing (or superimposing for the more technically-minded) harmonic frequencies.
All features of the waveforms are automatically scaled to fit the image (or selection of course) so you will not have to reconfigure an entire wave should you decide to change the image size.
A simple yet powerful interface allows you to configure every aspect of the waveform with great precision. Setting the frequency, fine-tuning the frequency, changing both the amplitude and phase of every individual harmonic frequency.
You can also change the width of the waveform so it will show up when you're working with high resolutions.
And last and certainly not least you have the ability to memorize and restore your configuration.
The Harmonix plug-in can be used for creating a multitude of great effects such as the one displayed here or the paper-graph shown above.
And best of all; the Harmonix plug-in is totally free for you to use! No hidden costs, no trial or limited version. You can use it to create paid artwork and not have to give us any credit for it what-so-ever so there's no excuse for not downloading it right now :)
The Harmonix plug-in is only available for the Windows platform and applications such as Adobe PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro and Corel PhotoPaint. For a complete list take a look at the compatibility page.
Related Searches: wave, harmonix, harmonic, harmonics, harmony, freq, frequency, waveform, form, sin, cos, tan, sine, cosine, tangent, hyper, spline, bezier, beta, round, smooth, sound, audio, music, visual, visualize, vanderlee, vdl, vanderlee, length
Recent Changes: New interface
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 1MB of harddisk space