A digital photo frame file resizing application. Format and optimize your digital pictures for your digital photo frame. Avoid black bars, cropped images and fit many more photos into the frame's memory. Preserve and stamp EXIF data onto output. Zoom in on areas of your digital photos for frame display without compromising quality. Maintain settings for multiple photo frames on the same computer. Adjust the output quality to store even more photos on a frame.
Digital Photo Frames are great, and becoming increasingly popular. However, typically they come in widescreen (16:9) sizes , which is great for movies, but less great for digital photos which are commonly taken by digital cameras in a non-widescreen format (usually 4:3). This results in the photo frame having to display the image with ugly black bars down the sides, or having to crop the image losing the top and bottom of the picture.
FrameSize is an application that allows you to quickly overcome these limitations and produce high quality images from your digital photographs that are formatted properly and perfectly optimised for your digital photo frame.
Using FrameSize provides the digital photo frame user with several benefits:
The photos being displayed on the frame will be in the correct aspect ratio for the frame; The photos being displayed on the frame will contain exactly the correct number of pixels for the frame, making each image file much smaller than the original - fit many more photos into the frame memory; The photos can be saved with a specified output quality allowing even more photos to be saved on a frame; Multiple sets of options can be saved and loaded allowing several photo frames to be maintained on he same PC; Information about the original photo can be written onto the output image.
FrameSize allows these transformations to be performed on individual photos as a one off operation, or on multiple photos if, for example, you need to reformat many photos in one session.
Related Searches: digital, photo, frame, jpeg, jpg, camera, crop, resize, EXIF
Recent Changes: EXIF Support, Configurable output quality, Save and Load options for multiple frames, Write photo information onto output image
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: .NET Framework 2.0