Anychart is a flexible Macromedia Flash-based solution that allows you to create animated, compact, interactive and attractive charts.
Major Features:
* Driven by XML interface - Anychart offers you a variety of options, such as setting transparency, color, URL linking, captions and more. And you can do all these customizations via an XML File, no Flash source modifications required.
* No installation - your server need not render any image, there is no need for any Active-X on the server, all graphing happens on the client side. A Flash Player is installed on more than 97% of Internet-connected PC's.
* Extremely Easy-to-Use - you can create an XML file manually, or using a Configuration Tool, included with any edition of AnyChart.
* Compatible with virtually all scripting languages (ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, Perl, etc.) - Use any language you like to create XML Source and pass it to a Flash object, or simply use an XML file from your server.
* Easily adds your own background image and sound - your chart will look like you want it to look! It can play a sound or use an image as a link.
* Constantly growing number of supported chart types - Pie, Bar, Line, Candlestick and we will be adding new types regularly.
A Developers Edition of AnyChart Flash Chart Component is shipped together with the source file (FLA). You can also request any type of custom chart - and our team will try to help you.
Related Searches: AnyChart, Chart, Graphs, Macromedia, Flash, Flash Chart, Multimedia, Candlestick, Presentation, Real-time graphics, Flash, Macromedia Flash, SWF, Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Candlestick Chart
Recent Changes: - New engine
- Multi Y scales
- Date/time scale support
- Real - time resizing feature
- Support of a chart combination
- Logarithmic scale
- Tooltips support
- Advanced visualization styles system
- Animation
- Rich customization of visual effects
- Any fill types for any chart element
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Flash player 8.0 or later