YouSAB Community Secured VoIP VPN Messenger with integrated Inter-Card Business account gives access to On-line Universal Secured Administrated Business Community platform that enables users to interact with each other in totally secured environment with the following abilities, Anonymous Internet browsing and access throught Anonymous TCP tunnels and VPN platform, Secured Instant messenger with P2P envrypted VoIP and chat, send messenges by email to offline contacts(ie. messeges sent to off-line contacts will go directly to their registration email address), Integrated with InterCard Account with direct access that allow user to buy & recharge his account balance, transfer balance to other users (to implement an online payments), view Access statment, account statement, payments, periodic account performance reports
Related Searches: Secure VPN, VPN Messenger, vpn provider, voip provider, voip international, proxy sites, proxy websites, community, pay as you go, Business Community, downloadable VPN, encrypted, wifi satellite internet, anonymizers, myspace unblocker, unblock facebook, it dummy
Recent Changes: - Support for all windows versions including Windows 7 x86 and 64bit
- Better VoIP Quality
- Improved security
- Support messenger services (MSN, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ, ...etc) over VPN with Pidgin included
- Support for all Peer 2 Peer (P2P) file sharing torrent networks with uTorrent included
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: CPU: Pentium compatable with minimum 233MHz, 32MB RAM, 10MB HDD space, winodws 2000